DigitalAladore 1.5, EPUB3 Edition!

Is DigitalAladore 1.0 looking crummy on your ultra high def 10 inch tablet screen?

Well, give DigitalAladore 1.5 a try! Following the workflow outlined in previous posts, I generated an Aladore EPUB3 edition. The images are much bigger and the CSS is slightly tweaked with larger screens in mind. Personally, I still find reading ebooks on tablets a bit unsatisfying, slightly too big and bright. But I think this version will look pretty good! However, at over 9MB it might be slow to load on your e-ink reader.

So with out further ado, you can find the new EPUB3 at Internet Archive,

DigitalAladore 1.5: Aladore, by Henry Newbolt (1914, epub3),

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